วันพุธที่ 9 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2554



Well, Good morning ladies and gentlemen. My mane is Thianthip Srangphoe I study at Nakhon Si Thammarat Rajabhat University Faculty of Education English Major. today I’m going to present a research on PERCEIVED READING STRATEGIES USED BY THAI PRE-ENGINEERING STUDENTS by Dr. Pornpun Oranpattannachai. I have divided my presentation into 4 parts. In the first part, I will talk about the introduction. Next, I will talk about Methodology, Results and conclusion will be the last part of my presentation. Now, let us turn to part one.
In Thailand where English is used as a foreign language, reading skill is an important skill to master. It Plays a vital role for Thai students in their academic context. For example, Thai engineering students are required to read the engineering textbooks in English although the medium of instruction is in Thai is because most of the engineering knowledge comes from sources such as articles published in the international journals, magazines, and the Internet. In addition, it is the skill that the students have high potentials to use even after they have graduated. Most of the new academic knowledge they need to acquire for improving their professional lives is mostly accessible in English. However, several reading researches conducted with Thai students at both the university and high school levels reveal that Thai students have difficulties in reading in English
Purposes of the research
To help students to handle their difficulties of reading in English, at present reading researchers and educators pay their attention to their reading process rather than reading product. Knowing the students’ reading process or what reading strategy they use and how they use it when they encounter their reading difficulties can help teachers to know how to assist students to improve their abilities in reading.
Research questions
The research question for the present study is: Do the high and the low proficiency reader differ in their perceived reading strategy use?

The second part, I will talk about the research methodology.
The participants were 90 third-year per-engineering students from a college of Industrial Technology in Thailand. They were divided into two groups: high reading proficiency group and low reading proficiency group according to their English grader in their second year and reading proficiency scores. Forty-five students who received the grades ranging from As to C+s and their reading proficiency scores ranging from 25-38 out of 50 are classified as high reading proficiency group. The other forty-five students who received the grades ranging from Cs to Ds and their reading proficiency scores ranging from 0-24 are classified as low reading proficiency group.
Research instruments
questionnaire. The first part of the questionnair dealt with the paraticipants’ background information.
The second part dealt with information about the participants’ perceived use of reading strategies while reading.
The third part the questionnaire consisted of twenty-nine items.
The participants answered the questionnaire by rating the degree of frequency they think they usually employ while reading in English on a 5-point Liker type scale from ‘very often’ to ‘never’.
All reading strategies contained in the questionnaire are drawn from the study of Oranpattanachai (2004) was conducted to investigate reading process of Thai engineering students at the tertiary level using think-aloud protocols as a major method.
All There reading strategies are divided into 2 categories: bottom-up and top-down strategies. Bottom-up strategies refer to strategies where reader decode the linguistic features to comprehend the text, while top-down strategies refer to strategies where readers make use of their previous knowledge and their operational knowledge about how to approach texts to construct the meaning from the texts.
This metacognitive reading strategies questionnaire consisted of eight bottom-up strategies and twenty-one top-down strategies. Table I below shows top-down and bottom-up strategies.
The reading proficiency test was a multiple-choice test, consisted of 40 items, all of which were taken from the TOEIC test on the part of reading. The total reading proficiency scores is 40 marks, one mark for each item.

The bottom-up and Top-down Strategies Contained in the Questionnaire

Bottom-up Strategies Top-down Strategies
1. Skip word or parts I don’t understand 1. Try to get the main idea
2. Work out meanings of words from understand the parts of the words 2. Recognize when I don’t understand something.
3. Make use of grammatical structure to get at meaning 3. Go back the a prior part that I understand to help me work out the bit I can’t understand.
4. Look up the unknown words in a dictionary 4. Predict what will come next.
5. Pronounce the words aloud. 5. Slow down when I have difficulty in reading
6. Use a finger to point while reading 6. Use my general knowledge to work out the meaning
7. Write down the meaning of unknown words that appear in the dictionary in the text read 7. Ask myself questions about what words or phrases mean.
Bottom-up Strategies Top-down Strategies
8. Need to understand meaning of every vocabulary in the text. 8. re-read what I don’t understand.
9. Guess the meaning of the unknown words from the context.
10. Work out a fact that is not mentioned cirectly in the to understand what the text implies.
11. Have feelings and reactions emotionally to the text.
12. Go back and correct what I understood earlier.
13. Continue reading even though I don’t understand.
14. Link the present information to the other pieces of the text.
Bottom-up Strategies Top-down Strategies
15. From a mental picture of what is read.
16. Question the information in the text.
17. Correct misunderstanding made in reading the text.
18. Assess the degree of understanding made in reading the text.
19. Confirm the understanding or the text.
20. Make a survey of the text before reading it such as looking at the pictures and the length of the text, skimming it, etc.
21. Link what is read to my word knowledge

Next, I will talk about Results
Answer the research questions
The results sowed that the high and the low proficiency readers shared both differences and similarities in their reading processes. The differences in their reading processes were divided into 2 aspects: the frequency of perceived strategy use and the frequency of perceived top-down strategy use. The similarities in their reading processes were divided into two aspects: the rank ordering of perceived strategy use and the style of text processing.

the last part of my presentation. In Conclusion
Take into consideration all the findings and recommendations of the present study earlier discussed, it can be concluded that English reading syllabus at the pre-engineering level at the college where the present study conducted should include strategy training together with an extensive reading program.
Researchers and teachers recognize that strategy training is an effective way of improving reading and that good readers are strategic readers. As the present study revealed that the perceived use of low proficiency was less than the high proficiency readers, teachers should therefore play a role by training them to use various reading strategies. Also, teachers should train them when, where, why, and how to use strategies appropriately so that the strategies they use are productive in their reading, which in turn, will help them to be more proficient reader.
In addition, regarding the acquisition of vocabulary and syntactic structures in English, teacher should assign students to do extensive reading outside the class because reading provides abundant samples of L2 input, which is need to improve reading. Extensive reading can also develop automaticity in word and syntactic structures recognition, rapid and accurate reading, which are fundamental requirement for fluent reading
Finally, sine the present study looks at the differences and similarities in reading processes of high and low proficiency readers at pre-engineering level in Thailand, a replication of this study with different participants at high-school or university levels in Thailand or other countries learning English as a foreign language may be interesting.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 27 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2554


House Code No. Local Registration Office: CHANGKLANG DISTRICT
Village Name: House Name:
Type of House: HOUSE Description of house:
Date of stipulating the house number:
Signature: (Miss Pongjan prajuksunton) Registrer
Date of printing the house registraning: 27 September July 2547
Book No: 1 List of persons of the house code no. 8022-001388-8 Serial No. 2
Name: Miss Teantip Srangpo Nationality:THAI Sex: FEMALE
ID No: 1-8004-00139-35-0 Status: DWELLER Date of Birth: 12 May 2532
Name of natural mother: CHUENJIT 3-8004-01082-79-0 Nationality: THAI
Name of natural father: SOMSAK 3-8004-01126-62 -2 Nationality: THAI
Signature: (Miss Pongjan prajuksunton) Registrar

By Khvan

Lesson Plans
Topic:stress Class:Elementary
Teach:Fabuary4,2011 Time:1hour

1.Students are learning about stress.
2.Student can stress noun and verb correctly.

Activity to teach
Warm up
Give the student sing a song

1. Teacher ask student that
-What kind of word which we normally stress?

1. Teachers divided students into 3 groups by capturing the chocolate. After the teacher distributed the following sentence.

-We had a delicious meal on Saturday.
-We normally go on holiday by car, but this time we are going by bicycle.
-I did ten grammar exercise yesterday.
Give to student each group

2. Teachers, students read the teacher underlined by the stress that students understand
3. Teacher explains the phonetic stress. The noun and verb to be right.

1.Teacher give tutorials for all students and students to do exercises.
2.Teachers and students make exercises together.

1. Students were divided into four groups. By lottery. After each group of students to the class and next word part of speech and the cartoons. The view that the words carry great stress words do not carry a small stress. Then West to help the group members read aloud together.
2. Teachers and students mutually Summary stress the noun and verb.
3. Teacher device student 2 groups. Students to do mini project by allowing students to find a way to stress the noun and verb, then the board organized knowledge in the classroom.

how to put on a successful english camp

“How to put on a successful English Camp”
Ice breaker activity
leaders are all equally important. Because children are learning that the child must be ready and motivated to learn the full first, This is the duty of everyone to be mentors to the children enjoy. And the activity must be fun activities. Excitement and stimulation to children born more motivation. Then when the kids are having fun and with children will enjoy activities more. And base the next child will cope with what the mentor is prepared quickly and the fun does not get bored. In this database, which will include mentoring children and children into groups by children mixed together so the child will be born unity and widely known Each group must prepare children to have equal number of children should not be too large or small groups because it is difficult to control children. When the child was born full of fun and then disperse into the base for each child, and three circular base until all parties. In the knowledge base, which has provided mentoring, games and singing songs for children to have fun dancing together. These things can be both fun. Pleasure And knowledge as well. Everything that has provided mentors are all very useful things that can cause children to use in everyday life.
In the knowledge base, which has provided mentoring, games and singing songs for children to have fun dancing together. These things can be both fun. Pleasure And knowledge as well. Everything that has provided mentors are all very useful things that can cause children to use in everyday life.

Game is plentiful and diverse. We must choose to match the content of their age and abilities of children, because these elements are very important to organize camps for children because the primary purpose of this camp. To the child learning enjoyable and fun. We must seize the child, then came the main elements to fit properly and look good, just this camp, we went out to look good. Do not forget that the games can be fun, relax and make you feel eager to learn more. And games will be singing along with when the game would have to vote along with the music it will always complete and full composition of learning fun

Music used in the camp should be a song with simple short and easy to remember the content, children can sing and dance all the people. Music should not be content with a long and too hard to activities. Including dance hard and complicated, it should not be attributed to a camp for children. Because if children can not follow the child will get bored and do not want the event to another. Then gradually the atmosphere would not be attractive And do not succeed as I expect it. Most importantly, when children do not want to participate will negatively impact the mentors all parties fully intend for every child and may desist until the camp was not successful as well. " Camp worthy rap mean that Sam is not only just the camp itself. Children who participated in one that is a key element to success is to camp as well. Because if it was just the camp organizer, but with no participants will never be successful for sure.

All members will need to continue operations and procedures. Camp All camps will have to start by opening the first president. Then it started recreational programs to encourage the children eager to participate. Organize children into groups to prepare. Then release the child to base various Each base will have to wait I already Liang regular base. Forward and provide heat and fun for children already.
This camp is for children Prathom 1 and Prathom 2,Nakhon si thammara Rachaphat University Demonstration. Start by speaking to introduce themselves. Speaking a short conversation. Then the game fun for children to play. A game against the Sepo out. Matching pictures with words. Fill the missing Then the children read. The play ends with hulahoop. Mentor will have to submit to the database. That is, base 2 3 4 First base is a new group of my own. Every child has to cooperate to do a good roast children happy and fun to participate in activities. Deng everyone is active and smart children who have three cars. Are ready to learn. Very easy to teach children of this group and every group of children with three different cars, each of them every three cars has a different ability and superior tactics. The introduction of a child can tell the track was really good at it that the children came from family Then come to learn in school. Both these sources, it can develop a good child and a camp to develop other language skills. Learning this was to make children become good actually, and can be used in future as a network good base is completed by the children to play hulahoop fun and exciting then the children stay eat snacks from it and then participated in the lunch together and then ahead to the database until all 4 including children and awarded again to close the bugs, and Optical and the children can demonstrate their ability. And let the kids enjoy each other fully. But it seems that children do not give up, and every child happy people.

Therefore, when the camp is very important as well. Should allocate time to fit in should not be too long or too short. If time is too short for camp will make children want to enjoy it and feel why it's up to speed. If it takes too long to make the children get bored do not want to participate as well. Thus, during the camp that they should provide appropriate Ideal situation, materials and ages of the children must see with That everything must be related. This camp is a camp of young children should not take the time to camp for very long, because the child can not concentrate. Will not be able to focus on what was a long time. Therefore, the time allocated for each base about half evil raise enough to introduce the games and sing Phlong enough. Children are not tired of the fun. And want to join the base to continue to learn new things that are unknown so on.
The camp was such a successful provider must consider many factors and elements brought together to fuse together. And cooperation must be both organizer and participants are all full, so the camp will be done well. And whether it is a work camp or whatever. If lack of cooperation in every party, whether a lack of someone to. Or that someone is irresponsible to some workers, it certainly never achieved.

8.00 -9.00 am register Name tags on children
9.00-10.00 am
60 minutes Gatther/Ice breaker
Activity -Introduce your came to the children.
-Introduce all your fellow teachers to the children.
-Children to stand up/introduce themselves to everyone.
-Ply Ice bleaker activity or song.
-Divide children into their 4 groups.
-Put a colored identifying colored ribbon on each student.

10.00-10.30 am Break…for mink/snack
10.30-11.00 am

30 minutes Theme Station 1

Speaking English -Children move to theme station 1.
-Theme leader introduces his group of teachers to the children.
-Theme leader introduces his ‘Theme’ to the children.
-Theme leader gets children to stand up/introduce themselves.
-Play… Theme Game.
-Sing…Theme song.
-Do… Theme activity.
-Hand out prizes/gifts.
11.30-12.30 pm EAT LUNCH -Everyone enjoys lunch.
-Teacher sit /eat lunch with the student.

12.30am-1.00 Vocabulary -Children move to theme station3
-Theme leader introduces his group of teacher to the children
-Theme leader introduces his theme to the chikdren
-Theme leader gets children to stand up&introduce themselves.
-Play…Theme Game
-Sing…Theme song
-Do…Theme activity
-Hand out prizes&gift.
01.00pm-1.30 Environment -Children move to theme station4
-Theme leader introduces his group of teacher to the children
-Theme leader introduces his theme to the chikdren
-Theme leader gets children to stand up&introduce themselves.
-Play…Theme Game
-Sing…Theme song
-Do…Theme activity
-Hand out prizes&gift.
1.30pm-2.30 Ice Breaker Central -Children all gather bact at original central meeting point.
-Children play games as a group of 30 student.
-Children sing song as a group of 30student.
-This is giving the registration&Chaperone girls time to prepare&print award certificate to hand out to the children.
2.30pm-3.00 Break …for milk & snack
2.30pm-4.00 Award ceremony -Call student up, one at a time…take picture…give award…Smile!
-Give student back to parent!
-Give yourself a hyg…because you just did a very good job!
-Congratuations…you just got an A in camp class!


ทุกคำต้องขึ้นต้นด้วยตัวใหญ่ ยกเว้น Articles – a, an the และ preposition – by , on of ,at ,under, between, among
• Write the following thesis topics. Reading Strategies Employed by Students at Nakhon Si Thammarat Rajabhat university
• Using Mindmaps to Stimulate Reading Comprehension
• The Comparative Study of Using Mindmaps and Video to Enhance Reading Comprehension.
• General overview of research
• Purposes of the research
• Research questions
• Hypothesis มีก้อได้ไม่มีก้อได้
• Subject ประชากรที่ใช้ในงานวิจัย
• Research instruments
o Questionnaire
o Observation form
o Semi structured interview form
• Methodology
• Answer the research questions


Pad Thai – ผัดไทย
This most popular Thai dish is excellent served hot or cold. Makes enough for six people.
8 large garlic cloves - peeled and minced
3 large eggs - lightly beaten
1 large limes - cut into 6 wedges
1/3 c. roasted peanuts - chopped
1 bunch scallions - thinly sliced crosswise
1/3 c. golden brown sugars
1/3 c. peanut oil
1 lb. large shrimp - peeled and deveined
1/4 c. white vinegar
1/2 bunch freshly chopped cilantro leaves
3/4 lb. porks tenderloin - cut into 1-inch-long thin strips
2 c. bean sprouts
1 tsp. red pepper flakes
1/4 c. fish sauce
1 1/2 lbs. flat rice noodles
1. Bring a large pot of water to a boil and then remove from the heat. Add the noodles to the pot and let soak for 12 to 15 minutes until the noodles are soft. 2. Thoroughly mix together the vinegar, sugar, fish sauce and ketchup. Drain the noodles. 3. Place a large wok over medium-high heat. When the wok is hot, add the oil and heat for 15 seconds. 4. Add the garlic and stir constantly for a few seconds. Add the shrimp and pork and stir-fry for one minute. 5. Stir in the sauce and bring to a boil. Place the noodles in the wok and toss to coat well. 6. Cook until most of the sauce has been absorbed by the noodles. Make a hole in the center of the wok, add the eggs and let cook, without stirring, for 15 seconds. 7. After 15 seconds, stir-fry until the eggs are cooked and well distributed throughout the noodles. Add the red pepper flakes and scallions and stir-fry for another 2 minutes. 8. Remove the wok from the heat and stir in the peanuts and bean sprouts. Serve garnished with cilantro and lime wedges. Tips:
Flat rice noodles are commonly found in Chinese or Asian markets, or in the Asian sections of some supermarkets.
If you want a vegetarian pad thai, leave out the meat and add some cubes of tofu instead. You can fry the tofu until golden beforehand if you like. You might also add a few broccoli florets. (The fish sauce is still non-vegetarian; some vegetarians don\'t mind this, others do. You can substitute soy sauce, but it won\'t have the exact same flavor.)
ผัดไทย -- ผัดไทย นี้อาหารไทยเป็นที่นิยมที่สุดคือการให้บริการที่ดีร้อนหรือเย็น ทำให้พอสำหรับหกคน
ส่วนผสม :
8 กลีบกระเทียมขนาดใหญ่ -- ปอกเปลือกและสับ
3 ไข่ใหญ่ -- ตีเบา ๆ
1 มะนาวขนาดใหญ่ -- ตัดออกเป็น 6 เวดจ์
1 / 3 c. ถั่วลิสงคั่วบด -- สับ
1 scallions พวง -- หั่นบาง ๆ ตามขวาง
1 / 3 c. น้ำตาลน้ำตาลทอง
1 / 3 c. น้ำมันถั่วลิสง
1 £ กุ้งใหญ่ -- ปอกเปลือกและ deveined
/ 4 1 c. น้ำส้มสายชูสีขาว
1 / 2 พวงสับใบผักชีสด
3 / 4 lb. สัน porks -- ตัดเป็นแผ่นบางขนาด 1 นิ้วยาว
2 c. ถั่วงอก
1 ช้อนชา สะเก็ดพริกแดง
/ 4 1 c. น้ำปลา
1 1 / 2 £ ก๋วยเตี๋ยวเส้นแบน
ขั้นตอน :
1 นำหม้อใหญ่ของน้ำให้เดือดแล้วเอาออกจากความร้อน เพิ่มไปยังหม้อก๋วยเตี๋ยวและให้แช่นาน 12 ถึง 15 นาทีจนก๋วยเตี๋ยวจะอ่อน
2 เข้าไว้ด้วยกันอย่างละเอียดน้ำส้มสายชู, น้ำตาล, น้ำปลาและซอสมะเขือเทศ ท่อระบายน้ำก๋วยเตี๋ยว
3 เพลสกระทะขนาดใหญ่ขึ้นตั้งไฟกลางสูง เมื่อกระทะร้อนใส่น้ำมันและความร้อนเป็นเวลา 15 วินาที
4 เพิ่มกระเทียมและคนตลอดเวลาสองสามวินาที เพิ่มกุ้งและเนื้อหมูและผัดเป็นเวลาหนึ่งนาที
5 ผัดกับซอสและนำไปต้ม สถานที่ก๋วยเตี๋ยวในกระทะและโยนให้เสื้อดี
6 Cook จนถึงที่สุดของซอสได้รับการดูดซึมโดยก๋วยเตี๋ยว ทำหลุมตรงกลางกระทะให้เพิ่มไข่และปล่อยให้ปรุงอาหารได้โดยไม่ต้องกวน, 15 วินาที 7 15 วินาทีหลังจากที่ผัดจนไข่สุกและกระจายกันตลอดทั้งเส้นก๋วยเตี๋ยว เพิ่ม flakes พริกแดงและ scallions และผัดต่ออีก 2 นาที
8 ลบกระทะจากความร้อนและคนในถั่วลิสงและถั่วงอก รับประทานกับผักชีมีแสงจ้าและเวดจ์มะนาว
คำแนะนำ :
ถ้าคุณต้องการผัดไทยมังสวิรัติให้ปล่อยออกเนื้อสัตว์และเพิ่มบางก้อนเต้าหู้แทน คุณสามารถเต้าหู้ทอดจนเหลืองทองก่อนหากคุณต้องการ นอกจากนี้คุณยังอาจเพิ่ม florets ผักชนิดหนึ่งสองสาม (น้ำปลายังไม่มังสวิรัติ; มังสวิรัติบาง Don \'ใจ T นี้บุคคลอื่นให้คุณสามารถใช้แทนซีอิ้ว, แต่มันได้รับรางวัล \.'t มีรสชาติเดียวกันแน่นอน.)

How To: Make Your Own Eyeshadow Primer

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 24 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2554

Coaching Series: Accomplishing More By Doing Less

Duncan: Opposition of Obama School Speech "Silly Stuff"

Secretary Duncan speaking to SETDA ED Forum

Learn English - Computer Vocabulary (English only version)

English Vocabulary for ESL - IT & Computing: Web 2.0 (Pt. 1)

Classroom Language.wmv

Classroom Language: The end of the lesson

Expressions used in the classroom

Classroom Language: The end of the lesson

1. Time to stop
It's almost time to stop.
I'm afraid it's time to finish now.
We'll have to stop here.
There's the bell. It's time to stop.
That's all for today.
You can go now.
2. Not time to stop.
The bell hasn't gone yet.
There are still two minutes to go.
We still have a couple of minutes left.
The lesson doesn't finish till five past.
Your watch must be fast.
We seem to have finished early.
We have an extra five minutes.
Sit quietly until the bell goes.
3. Wait a minute
Hang on a moment.
Just hold on a moment.
Stay where you are for a moment.
Just a moment, please.
One more thing before you goes.
Back to your places.
4. Next time
We'll do the rest of this chapter next time.
We'll finish this exercise next lesson.
We've run out of time, so we'll continue next lesson.
We'll continue this chapter next Monday.
5. Homework
This is your homework for tonight.
Do exercise 10 on page 23 for your homework.
Prepare the next chapter for Monday.
There is no homework tonight.
Remember your homework.
Take a worksheet as you leave.
6. Goodbye
Goodbye, everyone.
See you again next Wednesday.
See you tomorrow afternoon.
See you in room 7 after the break.
Have a good holiday.
Enjoy your vacation...
7. Leaving the room
Get into a queue.
Form a queue and wait for the bell.
Everybody outside!
All of you get outside now!
Hurry up and get out!
Try not to make any noise as you leave.
Be quiet as you leave. Other classes are still working.

Learning English - Lesson One (Introduction)

Learning English - Lesson Two (Hello/Goodbye)

Foot fid for fai : ฟุต ฟิต ฟอ ไฟ

ฟุด ฟิด ฟอ ไฟ ตอน Kodak 16-10-50.avi

ฟุด ฟิด ฟอ ไฟ

[29.06.10] English on tour

[14.06.10] English on tour

English Grammar - Countable and Uncountable Nouns

Noun Phrase Exercises

Lesson 6e - PRESENT PERFECT - English Grammar

If Clause

Ep.37 Namtok phrom lok น้ำตกพรหมโลก

Sleeping Beauty

วันพุธที่ 23 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2554

My Witch

Structure Translation

This week I have learned about old lesson, but deeper than before which is Structure translation.
My teacher has taught me as follow:
Noun phrase
แม่ของฉันเป็นครู My mother is a teacher.
รัฐบาลเตรียมจะยุบสภาเดือน เมษายน The government has planned to dissolve the parliament.

These are basic pattern of noun phrase.
The next one is about MODIFIER samples as follow:
น้องชายของฉันชอบหนังสือนิทานเล่มหนา รูปสวยๆ สีสดใส ที่แม่ซื้อมาให้มาก
My brother likes the thick colorful fairy tale book with lots of beautiful pictures that mom bought him.
An ugly big round chipped old blue French vase.

How to know what is MODIFIER?
The characteristics of modifier included, determiner, opinion, size, shape, condition, age, color, origin.


1. เพื่อนฉันกำลังจะย้ายไปอยู่บ้านสวยๆ ทันสมัย หลังเล็กสักหลัง เขาไม่อยากอยู่คอนโดแล้ว ปัญหาจุกจิกกวนใจเยอะเหลือเกิน
My friend is going to move to a mini, modern and beautiful house. He would not like to stay in condo. Because there are many disturb problems.
2. เขามีรถสปอร์ตอิตาเลียนสีแดง ที่ออกแบบมาเป็นพิเศษสำหรับเขาโดยเฉพาะราคาแพงลิบอยู่ 2 คัน
He has 2 red Italian sport cars which special designed for only him with really expensive.
3. สุนัขพันธุ์พูเดิลตัวสีน้ำตาลตังเล็ก เป็นของขวัญที่น้องสาวของฉันได้มาจากงานวันเกิดครบรอบ 14 ปี
The small brown Poodle is my sister’s gift on her 14 birthday anniversary.
4. มหาวิทยาลัยของฉัน เป็นมหาวิทยาลัยที่ใหญ่ วิชาการดี โดยเฉพาะสาขาภาษาอังกฤษที่ฉันกำลังศึกษาอยู่
My university is so huge, great academic especially English Major which I am studying right now.
5. เน็คไทค์ที่ซื้อมาจากลอนดอน เป็นเส้นที่ยาว แต่ก็เหมาะกับฉัน
Necktie which bought from London is so long, but suite for me.


วันศุกร์ที่ 18 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2554

week 15

Learning Log 16
[18 January 2011]
Adjective Clause
- The womam is a worker who has been cleaning the street for 26 years.
- ''Bird'' is a singer who was singing happily.
- The language centre which is situated at NSTRU is very big.
Adverb Clause
- She protested helplessly.
- The repidly widening wealth gap between the rich and poor.
- Drinking water
- Rolling stone is no moss.
- I am very happy.
- I could not suppress my anger ehen I read about this event.
Out Class
Adverbial clause
Adverbial clause ทำหน้าที่เหมือน adverb ทั่วๆไปอาจจะเกิดต้นประโยค กลางประโยคหรือท้ายประโยคก็ได้
Types of adverbial clause
ประเภทของ Adverbial clause มีดังนี้
1. Clause of time คือ adverb clause ที่บอกเวลามี subordinators เช่น after,before,since,until, when เป็นต้น
2. Clause of place คือ adverb clause ที่บอกสถานที่จะขึ้นต้น clause ด้วย where or wherever
3. Clause of contrast or Concessive คือ adverb clause ที่บอกความหมายตรงข้ามหรือความหมายที่ขัดแย้ง
จะขึ้นต้น clauseด้วย subordinators : although,even though,even if เป็นต้น
4. Clause of condition คือ adverb clause ที่บอกที่บอกเงื่อนไข subordinator ที่ใช้ขึ้นต้น clause คือ
if,as long as,if onlysupposing that,in even that เป็นต้น
5. Clause of clause คือ adverb ที่บอกสาเหตุ มี subordinator ดังนี้ because,since,as,now that เป็นต้น
6. Clause of result คือ adverb ที่บอกผล subordinator ได้แก่ so that
7. Clause of purpose คือ adverb clause ที่บอกจุดประสงค์ subordinator ได้แก่ so that,in order that
in the hope that for the purpose that เป็นต้น ใช้กับกริยาช่วย can,will,could,would,might ตัวใดตัวหนึ่ง
8. Clause of comparison คือ adverb clause ที่บอกเกี่ยวกับการเปรียบเทียบ
9. Clause of grammar คือ adverb clause ที่บอกลักษณะ subordinator ได้แก่ as though,as if เป็นต้น
Source: http://www.skn.ac.th/skl/skn422/gramma/t12.htm
เขียนโดย Khanittha Nathom ที่ 18:10 0 ความคิดเห็น ส่งอีเมลข้อมูลนี้ BlogThis! แบ่งปันไปที่ Twitter แบ่งปันไปที่ Facebook แบ่งปันไปที่ Google Buzz ลิงก์ไปยังบทความนี้

Learning Log 15
Learning Log 15
[11 January 2011]

Independent learning: some ideas from the literature
Independent study is a process, a method and a philosophy of education whereby a learner acquires knowledge by his or her own efforts and develops the ability for enquiry and critical evaluation

Independent learning
Self-directed learning
Autonomous learning
A goal and a process
Independent learning can be both a goal and a process: a method of learning and a characteristic of learners (present in varying degrees)
Educators can adapt strategies to different levels of independence or self-directedness
Includes freedom of choice in determining objectives within the limits of a given project
Gains for the learner
Ability to respond to change
Transferrable skills
Allows for different learning styles - learner can use own judgment about how best to learn
Self-direction is motivating and leads to higher order thinking
The excitement and pleasure of independent learning will carry over to the subject itself
Mirrors ‘natural’ learning in the rest of life
Losses for the learner
The educational system might not be designed for independent learning
Carl Rogers said that only 1/3 or 1/4 of students are self-directing; the rest do just what they are supposed to do
Too little (as well as too much) direction can cause frustrations for the learner
Students can lack the necessary knowledge in the subject matter to make a beginning
Students might have very specific expectations about the degree of direction that should be provided by the teacher
Challenge for the educator
It is a challenge to provide the correct amount of guidance without providing too much direction. Direction is needed to help learners identify areas of difficulty but too much direction detracts from their sense of ownership of the learning project.
Success at university is associated with:

Personal confidence and feelings of competence as a learner
Hopeful, realistic view of future occupational and social roles
Emotional stability
Tendency to introversion
Relative independence from teachers
Tacit acceptance of extra-curricular work demands
Failure can be associated with:
Learning anxiety
Overdependence on teachers and significant others
Kolb’s Experiential Learning cycle

through concrete experience

through observation and reflection

through abstract conceptualisation

through active experimentation

Differences in learning styles
The idea that people learn in different ways has been explored over the last few decades. Kolb found that individuals begin with their preferred style in the experiential learning cycle.
Honey and Mumford (1992), building on Kolb’s work, identified four learning styles:

Activist (enjoys the experience itself),
Reflector (spends a great deal of time and effort reflecting)
Theorist (good at making connections and abstracting ideas from experience)
Pragmatist (enjoys the planning stage)

Students and autonomous learning:
Set their own learning aims
Make choices over learning modes
Plan and organise work
Decide when best to work alone, work collaboratively and when to seek advice
Learn through experience
Identify and solve problems
Think creatively
Communicate effectively orally and in writing
Assess their own progress in respect of their aims
Teachers and autonomous learning:
Life-cycle theory of leadership applied to teaching (encouraging the development of independence)
Teacher gradually reduces direction and support as the learner increases in maturity and confidence.
Students are encouraged to:

Learn effective information retrieval (especially use of libraries)
Plan a balanced life (study, fun, other pressures)
Discover own learning purposes and learning style
Learn ways to smooth the adjustment from school (dependent learning) to university (independent learning) - from knowing and remembering to analysing and researching
Learn how to ask complex questions
Learn how to pursue own questions in formal education

วันอังคารที่ 15 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2554

Determiners are words that are used with nouns to clarify the noun. They can clarify:
***to define something or someone***to state the amount of people, things or other nouns ***to state possessives***to state something or someone is specific***to state how things or people are distributed***to state the difference between nouns***to state someone or something is not specific
There are different types of determiners. There type of determiner depends on the type of noun. Singular nouns always need a determiner. Plural nouns the determiner is optional. Uncountable nouns the determiner is also optional.
There are about 50 different determiners in the English language they include:
1. Articles: a, an, the
2.Demonstratives: this, that, these, those, which etc.
3.Possessives: my, your, our, their, his, hers, whose, my friend's, our friends', etc.
4.Quantifiers:few, a few, many, much, each, every, some, any etc.
5.Numbers: one, two, three, twenty, forty
6.Ordinals: first, second, 1st 2nd, 3rd, last, next, etc.
Noun adjunct
Noun Adjuncts (noun + noun)
In English we can put two nouns together. The first noun is used as an adjective to modify the second noun and is called a noun adjunct. The first noun is almost always singular because it follows the rule for adjectives, which do not have plural forms in English.
N1 N2 can mean that
a. N1 is a kind of N2 (a grammar book is a kind of book)
b. N1 is an object of an implied verb (an apple tree is a tree that produces apples)
It is important to understand that N2 is the thing and N1 is the kind or type:
a rose bush is a busha wrist watch is a watchcomputer paper is paper
N1 is singular, even if the phrase is plural.
My mother planted a rose bush in the garden.
I bought a new table lamp.
Bobby takes the school bus to school.
The school ordered fifty new grammar books.
That man makes bird cages.
Mrs. Taylor bought some new baby clothes.We can use a number with N1 to make a compound adjective. Since the number and noun make one unit, we use a hyphen to join them. Note that N1 remains singular because it is being used as an adjective.
a three-car garage
a ten-speed bicycle
a twenty-dollar bill
If we use a number to refer to the second noun (how many), we do not use a hyphen:
two grammar books
five rose bushes
We can use a number to refer to the second noun (how many) and a number with the first noun (compound adjective). In that case, there is no hyphen after the first number, but the second number is still used with a hyphen because it forms a compound adjective.
two ten-dollar
Learning Log 16
[18 January 2011]
Adjective Clause
- The womam is a worker who has been cleaning the street for 26 years.
- ''Bird'' is a singer who was singing happily.
- The language centre which is situated at NSTRU is very big.
Adverb Clause
- She protested helplessly.
- The repidly widening wealth gap between the rich and poor.
- Drinking water
- Rolling stone is no moss.
- I am very happy.
- I could not suppress my anger ehen I read about this event.
Out Class
Adverbial clause
Adverbial clause ทำหน้าที่เหมือน adverb ทั่วๆไปอาจจะเกิดต้นประโยค กลางประโยคหรือท้ายประโยคก็ได้
Types of adverbial clause
ประเภทของ Adverbial clause มีดังนี้
1. Clause of time คือ adverb clause ที่บอกเวลามี subordinators เช่น after,before,since,until, when เป็นต้น
2. Clause of place คือ adverb clause ที่บอกสถานที่จะขึ้นต้น clause ด้วย where or wherever
3. Clause of contrast or Concessive คือ adverb clause ที่บอกความหมายตรงข้ามหรือความหมายที่ขัดแย้ง
จะขึ้นต้น clauseด้วย subordinators : although,even though,even if เป็นต้น
4. Clause of condition คือ adverb clause ที่บอกที่บอกเงื่อนไข subordinator ที่ใช้ขึ้นต้น clause คือ
if,as long as,if onlysupposing that,in even that เป็นต้น
5. Clause of clause คือ adverb ที่บอกสาเหตุ มี subordinator ดังนี้ because,since,as,now that เป็นต้น
6. Clause of result คือ adverb ที่บอกผล subordinator ได้แก่ so that
7. Clause of purpose คือ adverb clause ที่บอกจุดประสงค์ subordinator ได้แก่ so that,in order that
in the hope that for the purpose that เป็นต้น ใช้กับกริยาช่วย can,will,could,would,might ตัวใดตัวหนึ่ง
8. Clause of comparison คือ adverb clause ที่บอกเกี่ยวกับการเปรียบเทียบ
9. Clause of grammar คือ adverb clause ที่บอกลักษณะ subordinator ได้แก่ as though,as if เป็นต้น
Source: http://www.skn.ac.th/skl/skn422/gramma/t12.htm
เขียนโดย Khanittha Nathom ที่ 18:10 0 ความคิดเห็น ส่งอีเมลข้อมูลนี้ BlogThis! แบ่งปันไปที่ Twitter แบ่งปันไปที่ Facebook แบ่งปันไปที่ Google Buzz ลิงก์ไปยังบทความนี้

Learning Log 15
Learning Log 15
[11 January 2011]

Independent learning: some ideas from the literature
Independent study is a process, a method and a philosophy of education whereby a learner acquires knowledge by his or her own efforts and develops the ability for enquiry and critical evaluation

Independent learning
Self-directed learning
Autonomous learning
A goal and a process
Independent learning can be both a goal and a process: a method of learning and a characteristic of learners (present in varying degrees)
Educators can adapt strategies to different levels of independence or self-directedness
Includes freedom of choice in determining objectives within the limits of a given project
Gains for the learner
Ability to respond to change
Transferrable skills
Allows for different learning styles - learner can use own judgment about how best to learn
Self-direction is motivating and leads to higher order thinking
The excitement and pleasure of independent learning will carry over to the subject itself
Mirrors ‘natural’ learning in the rest of life
Losses for the learner
The educational system might not be designed for independent learning
Carl Rogers said that only 1/3 or 1/4 of students are self-directing; the rest do just what they are supposed to do
Too little (as well as too much) direction can cause frustrations for the learner
Students can lack the necessary knowledge in the subject matter to make a beginning
Students might have very specific expectations about the degree of direction that should be provided by the teacher
Challenge for the educator
It is a challenge to provide the correct amount of guidance without providing too much direction. Direction is needed to help learners identify areas of difficulty but too much direction detracts from their sense of ownership of the learning project.
Success at university is associated with:

Personal confidence and feelings of competence as a learner
Hopeful, realistic view of future occupational and social roles
Emotional stability
Tendency to introversion
Relative independence from teachers
Tacit acceptance of extra-curricular work demands
Failure can be associated with:
Learning anxiety
Overdependence on teachers and significant others
Kolb’s Experiential Learning cycle

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 13 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2554


Instruction Plan 1
Title: Down and Up Unit 1 Topic: interpretation and Giving Opinions

Subject: English I (F21101) Grade 7 level Time: 3 hours
Standard F1.1:
Understanding of and capacity to interpret what has been heard and read from various types of media, and ability to express opinions with proper reasoning
Grade level indicators Grade 7/1
Act in compliance with orders requests, instructions and simple explanations heard and read.
Main pointCapability in using orders requests either affirmative or negative sentences that had been meaning to self, friends, school and around people correctly that pass language skills practice process for communication. That emphasize practice to be integration of skills; speaking, listening, reading, and writing mix together it make candidate bring to adapt for using in real life confidently and have manner every situation.
Strand of Learning
1. Orders requests instructions either affirmative or negative sentences that had been meaning to self, friends, school and around people correctly such as Look at the.... / here/ over there./ Say it again/ Read and draw./ Put a/ an... in/ on/ under...../ Go to the winder open it./ Take out the book, open on page 17 and read it. Etc.
2. Using Can/ Could/ Please in request sentences such as please look up the meaning in a dictionary./ look up the meaning in a dictionary, please./ Can/ Could you help me, please?/ Excuse me, could you....? etc.
Vocabulary: clap hop shake turn borrow
Orders, affirmative and negative sentences pattern:
V₁ or V₁ + Obj. / Don’t + V₁ or Don’t + V₁ + Obj.
Request sentences (Affirmative):
please + V₁ + Obj. Or V₁ + Obj. + please.
Can/ Could + you + V₁ +Obj. + please?
Skills / Procedure
Language practice process for communication that emphasize practice to be integration of skills; speaking, listening, reading, and writing mix together.
Characteristic1. Have confidence in using English language for communication.
2. Use English language politely manner, appropriate situation and people.

Integration Using order and request sentences of Thai language, Design action of Health and Physical education and drawing picture follow order sentences of Arts education.
Capacity1. Capability in communication sing and communicate to be act and draw picture.
2. Capability in thinking.
2.1. Analysis thinking for classify of words.
2.2. Thinking for decided in using reason.
2.3. Thinking for adapt instead simple syllable verb think/action.
2.4. Thinking in to concept of drawing picture follow sentence that heard and summery learning.Evidence
Works / Tasks
1. Group work write, song and act.
2. Individual works speak, write, draw, action follow orders, requests, instructions and explanations.
3. Individual works write orders requests affirmative and negative sentences mix into structures sentence in notebook.

Process of learning
1. Warm up
1.1. Student listen repeat down and up song and sing while student listen teacher act follow song.
Down and up song
Down and up and clap, clap, clap,
Down and up and clap, clap, clap,
We clap to the left and we clap to the right
Turn around and clap, clap, clap, (walk, nod, hop, shake.......etc.)
1.2. Teacher point vocabulary in that song, students repeat and act or tell meaning of words.
1.3. Student song and act follow teacher.
1.4. Student each group brainstorm for find another word instead of word in song and act or draw.
2. Presentation

2.1. Teacher teach sentence including affirmative and negative sentence student repeat such as stand up, Turn left, Turn back, Turn around. Point to the window. Sit down.
Don’t sleep in the classroom. Don’t eat food in the classroom. Don’t draw cartoons in the book.
2.2. Teacher show sentences card to student read summery meaning and note in notebook.
2.3. Teacher pronoun request sentences and show sentence card to student repeat.
T: Can/could you tell me your nickname, please?
S: My nick name is “Tee”.
T: can/could you close the window, please?
S: yes, I’ll do now.
T: can/could I borrow your pen, please?
S: Yes. Here you are.
1 2.4 Teacher summery using can/could and please for show polite request then student note into notebook.
. Practice
3.1 Students pair work then talk about order and request sentence then act follow sentences.
3.2 Need to volunteer front off class for speak order and request sentences for friend practice.
3.3 Students draw picture order and request.
4. Production
4.1 Student present their song and act follow song that each group new create.
4.2 Student brings another word in song or another picture for presentation.
4.3 Student math picture and order sentence that teacher put on the table and then close on the board for check in correct.
5. Wrap up
5.1 Play game “ Simon say”
5.2 Give student to make exercise that write.
Materials for learning
1. Lyrics song
2. Order request sentence card include affirmative and nagative
3. Picture card and sentence card for matching
4. Exercise sheet
5. VCD or DVD player
6. Text sign of places such as drain station under read way station theater label etc.
Report after learning
1. Effect of learning.
2. Problem
3. Recommendation.

In Class

ถ้าฉันถูกล็อตเตอรี่ ฉันก็จะรวย
If I had won the lottery, I would be rich.
ถ้าฉันอ่านหนังสือไวยากรณ์เมื่อคืนนี้ ฉันก็จะสามารถเข้าใจเนื้อหาเรื่อง Mixed If-Cause
If I had read grammar book lash night, I might / could/ would understand the content of mixed if-Cause.
ถ้าจิมได้ข้อความที่ฉันฝากไว้ให้เค้าเมื่อชั่วโมงที่แล้ว เค้าก็คงกำลังรอพบฉันอยู่แล้วตอนนี้
If Jim got the message I left him an hour ago, He is waiting for me now.
ถ้าทอมรวย เค้าคงจะซื้อรถคันใหม่แล้ว
If tom were rich, He would have bought a new car.

1. น่าเสียดายที่คุณขับรถไม่เป็น ถ้าคุณขับรถได้จะเป็นประโยชน์มากๆ
It’s deplorable that you can't drive a car. If you could drive, it would be very beneficial.
2. ถ้าเพื่อนคุณออกกำลังกายตอนนี้สุขภาพเขาก็ไม่ขนาดนี้
If you friend had exercised, now his health wouldn't bad.
3. ถ้าฉันอายุน้อยกว่านี้สัก 10 ปี ฉันก็คงไปเที่ยวพับกับพวกเขาแล้ว
If I were ten years younger, I would have gone to the pub with them.

What do you think about my homework? You can share your opinions.
Learning Log in Class
A noun phrase consists of a pronoun or noun with any associated modifiers, including adjectives, adjective phrases, adjective clauses, and other nouns in the possessive case. I think noun phrase is important in learning English because it is will write a sentence correctly, understanding the structure of the noun phrase and the apartment can be beautiful.
- My mother is a teacher.
- The government planned to dissolve the parliament.
- The palace was built in 1912
- That house looks so big.
- My brother really like the thick colorful fairy tale book with An ugly big round chipped old blue French vase.
1. เพื่อนฉันกำลังคิดจะย้ายไปอยู่บ้านสวย ๆ ทันสมัย หลักเล็ก ๆ สักหลัง เขาไม่อยากอยู่คอนโดแล้ว ปัญหาจุกจิก กวนใจเยอะเหลือเกิน
- My friend is thinking to move a small beautiful modern home. He not want condo. It’s many problem.
2. เขามีรถสปอร์ตอิตาเลียนสีแดง ที่ออกแบบมาพิเศษสำหรับเขาโดยเฉพาะ ราคาแพงริบ อยู่ 2 คัน
- He has two red sports Italian. It designed special for him. The price is the most expensive cars.

วันจันทร์ที่ 31 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2554

Application of wood vinegar to use in various fields.

Wood vinegar with high acidity. Therefore, before using it must be diluted as appropriate with the objective conditions of use. This ratio will vary with different properties away with
Ratio1: 20.
Or mixed with water 20 times.Sprayed into the soil to kill insects and microorganisms in the soil. Diseases such as rot and bacteria. Rot fungi by nematodes.Should be cultivated for 10 days because of the wood vinegar watering the soil will react with alkaline compounds the effect. The carbon mono oxide. Which is toxic to plants. But when carbon mono oxide reacts with oxygen and carbon dioxide changes. Plants can grow. The plant will benefit from carbon dioxide by
Ratio 1: 50.
Or mixed with water 50 times. Use a soil spray to kill bacteria that destroy crops. If the concentration over this Roots may be dangerous.
Ratio of 1: 100.
Or 100 times using the Pour water treatment plants, fungi and root rot and prevent insect breeding.
Ratio of 1: 200.
Or 200 times the water spray the leaves and the ground around the plant every 7-15 days to prevent fungal and insect repellent. And watering from the bottom to accelerate growth.
Ratio of 1: 500.
Or mixed with water 500 times and used for immunization of young plants to help extend the results to grow. And increase in fruit sugar. Injection of soft fruit after 15 days, and then spray again 20 days before harvest, because vinegar does not help in the synthesis of sugars and amino acids. Thus enhancing both productivity and quality.
Ratio 1: 1000.
Mixed with water or a substance 1,000 times capture cards reduce chemical use.

The livestock
Application of wood vinegar to the livestock. Will be used to reduce the smell and insects in the farm. The first use should be mixed with water 100 times and 200 times increase as water will help eliminate odor and reduce the number of insects effectively. Moreover, it can be mixed feed To help digestion and prevent diarrhea. But the water is mixed directly with the smell smoke Should be mixed with activated charcoal before. By the wood vinegar mixed with 2 liters of 8 kg of charcoal and the charcoal impregnated wood vinegar mixed with 990 kg of animal feed will have a tons of charcoal mixed with animal feed with the following features and benefits.
1. Helps digestion and utilization of food better. Make animals grow faster than normal. Using the same food.
Or less the same food by 5% in the same time.
2. It prevents gas And heavy metal absorption in the stomach. The animals healthy.
3. To help prevent and treat diarrhea.
4. Help improve quality and reduce the water content in meat. Quality of the meat taste better and the color.
And smell.
5. To help improve the quality of the eggs. The big and tough in the yolk. Also increase the amount of vitamins and reduce
6. To help increase milk
7. To stop the gases ammonia and sulfur dioxide. The stench of dung, which decreased.
Stressed animals did not help. Also improve the quality of manure from animal manure to improve with
8. Inhibit the hatching of insects in the dung Quantity of insects in the farm area decreased by only.

The other side.
Concentration ratio of 100% fresh wound. Lesion was a burn and scald. Water Treatment Ltd. feet. And fungi on their skin.
Wood vinegar sauce mixed with water 20 times the destructive termites and ants.
Wood vinegar mixed with water 50 times to prevent animals such as termites and ants scorpion centipede millipede
Wood vinegar water spray to 100 times the trash to prevent smells and flies. The smell in the bathroom, kitchen and wet areas. Use deodorant pet cage. Use fresh waste and food waste as fertilizer for ornamental plants The water must be mixed with another five times after fermentation and then a month.

Caution in the use of wood vinegar.
1. Before the wood vinegar to dip to leave the store after at least 3 months to create precipitation. Separate portion of the wood vinegar for use.
2. Wood vinegar with high acidity. Should avoid contact with eyes.
3. Wood vinegar is not fertilizer, but as a catalyst. Therefore, its use in agriculture will be a complement to the plant. But can not be used as fertilizer.
4. The use of wood vinegar to kill bacteria. And harmful insects in soil with plants. Crop should be at least 10 days.
5. Application of wood vinegar to be mixed with water to dilute the suitability of each crop. If you eat the leaves of plants should be sprayed under the leaves. This will help repel insects under the leaves.
6. Injectable wood vinegar. To help the flowers should stick spray before bloom. If injected after flowering, because the insects will not dare to pollination. Because of the strong smell of orange juice and flowers will fall easily.

The use of wood vinegar.

Peanut insect repellent to help. Anti-fungi in the soil. When 7 days old peanut ratio of wood vinegar mixed with 20 cc of water 20 liters (or 1: 1000) sprayed every 7 days until the harvest stage. The spray is flat and planted in 40 L / ha.

Rice productivity ratio of wood vinegar 20 ml water 20 liters (or 1: 1000), painted from the beginning to harvest by spraying once a month.

Lime powder to help chase aphids. Before flowering, spray with vinegar wood. Mixed ratio 1:1,000 spray the trees every 2 days and 2 times the wood vinegar sprayed only half of the upper halves of a time

Cucumber prevent aphid
Prevent larvae 20 days old when sprayed with vinegar do not mix water ratio 1: 400 to spray the entire field every 7 days time.

Help bean insect repellent. Sprayed with a 1:400 ratio of wood vinegar sprayed around the field every 7 days time.

Watermelon helps insect repellent.
Nourishment from the age of 7 days on orange juice, 1 tablespoon of mixture ratio of 20 liters of water or spray 1:2,500 field across all 7 days / times.

Eggplant prevent aphid
Prevent the borer before flowering, after flowering stick spray wood vinegar water ratio 1: 400 to spray the entire field every 7 days time.

Stem, leaf, flower pepper nourishment when 7 days old wood vinegar ratio Ce 2. Water compost Ce 2. 20 liter water spraying across the plots every 7 days time.

Mushroom prevent insects. Wood painted with vinegar water ratio 1: 100 spray plants across the open

Cattle, pigs and killed outside help prevent tick
Used as a dietary supplement. Painted wood vinegar water ratio 1: 666 spray outside the animal for 10 days / times.
Mixed with the feed ratio of 1: 400 with the animal at birth.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 27 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2554


เพลง : คืนใจให้กัน
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เนื้อเพลง :

เกิดอะไรกับความรักเรา สิ่งดีนี้ในวันเก่านานเข้าก็ยิ่งจืดจาง เหมือนไม่แคร์กัน ฉันรู้สึกยังไงก็ช่างลองถามหัวใจดูบ้าง ว่ายังรักกันอยู่มั้ยนิ้วก้อยที่เคยเกี่ยวกันเสมอ ดูซิดูเธอแกล้งทำเป็นถือข้าวของวุ่นวายยามเดินด้วยกันก็เดินห่างฉันเหมือนไม่อยากใกล้เธอทำให้รู้สึกได้ ว่าคบฉันไปด้วยคำว่า ทน*ถ้ารักกันไปแล้วฝืน ก็คืนหัวใจให้กันบอกสิ่งที่เธอต้องการออกมาสักหนหากคิดว่าเราไม่ใช่ ก็อย่าอยู่ไปเพราะแคร์คำคนหากรักเดินทางมาสุดถนน งั้นเราสองคนคงต้องเลิกกัน**รอคำตอบที่เธอเก็บไว้ เมื่อพร้อมจะไปช่วยอธิบายกับฉัน ตั้งแต่ตอนไหนที่หัวใจเธอเริ่มไม่มีกันทุกอย่างเกิดขึ้นเพราะฉัน หรือเธอนั้นเป็นคนเปลี่ยนใจ(ซ้ำ*,**)ตั้งแต่ตอนไหนที่หัวใจเธอเริ่มไม่มีกันทุกอย่างเกิดขึ้นเพราะฉัน หรือเธอนั้น...เป็นคนเปลี่ยนใจ


ตั๊กแตน ชลดา 17 - คืนใจให้กัน.mp3

วันพุธที่ 26 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2554

เผยมีลุ้นยุบสภา เม.ย.

เมื่อวันที่ 26 ม.ค. ที่รัฐสภา นายอภิสิทธิ์ เวชชาชีวะ นายกรัฐมนตรี ให้สัมภาษณ์ถึงการชุมนุมของกลุ่มพันธมิตรประชาชนเพื่อประชาธิปไตย (พธม.) จะส่งผลให้ตัดสินใจทางการเมืองอย่างใดอย่างหนึ่ง เช่น ลาออก หรือยุบสภาหรือไม่ว่า ตนจะเลือกจังหวะเวลาที่เหมาะสมในการจัดการเลือกตั้ง เพราะรัฐสภาน่าจะสรุปการแก้ไขรัฐธรรมนูญได้ในวันที่ 11 ก.พ.นี้ จากนั้นก็มีกระบวนการเพื่อให้ประกาศใช้ ซึ่งน่าจะเป็นประมาณปลายเดือน ก.พ. หรือต้นเดือน มี.ค.นี้ ก็จะหมดไปอีกเงื่อนไขหนึ่ง

เมื่อถามว่าการชุมนุมยังมีอยู่ ส่งผลกระทบต่อการกำหนดวันเลือกตั้งให้ช้าออกไปหรือไม่ นายอภิสิทธิ์ กล่าวว่า ตนพยายามดูตอนนี้ว่าถ้าเขารักษาแนวทางการชุมนุมที่เป็นการชุมนุมโดยสงบ และลดผลกระทบที่เกิดขึ้นกับประชาชนทั่วไป ก็ไม่ได้เป็นปัญหาอะไร แต่ไม่ควรให้มีเหตุการณ์ที่มีความรุนแรง เมื่อถามว่าเงื่อนไขการแก้ไขรัฐธรรมนูญนี้ รวมถึงการแก้กฎหมายประกอบรัฐธรรมนูญด้วยหรือไม่ นายกฯ กล่าวว่า ไม่ เพราะบทบัญญัติรองรับไว้หมดแล้ว ไม่จำเป็นต้องออกกฎหมายประกอบรัฐธรรมนูญ ต่อข้อถามว่าเป็นไปได้หรือไม่ที่อาจจะมีการยุบสภา ช่วงเดือน เม.ย.นี้ตามที่มีการคาดการณ์ นายอภิสิทธิ์ กล่าวว่า ก็เป็นไปได้

The handsome of father banta

Folding the grasshopper from paper

แปลข่าว มาร์ค ลดปมขัดเเย้งมรดกโลก